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Board Of Management Meeting September 2020 Report

In attendance – (all were present)

Marie Corbett summarised the minutes of the last meeting.

Venue: Lankill N.S.

Mr Hynes read the Principal’s Report detailing recent and upcoming events.

Attendance is very good.

Many new health and safety regulations have been put in place in line with the recommendations of the Departments of Health and Education.

Child Protection

Child protection issues – nil.


Due to COVID, teaching principals, are in receipt of one release day per week. On Wednesdays, teacher James Fallon is in attendance to work in Mr Hyne’s classroom.

Teacher Valerie Chambers (based in Cloggernagh NS), supplements our SET hours and is in attendance for one full day every second Thursday.

Our ancillary staff and hours are the same as last year with the additional provision of a cleaner to do COVID cleaning on the days Noel McMenamon is not in attendance.

Patricia Heraty (Secretary) 10 hrs per week, Monday – Friday.

Noel McMenamon (Caretaker) - 6 hours per week - Wednesdays and Fridays.

Tina Keane, past parent, and employee of The Cleaning Corp. does the COVID Wipe down–on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

It has been recommended by the Department of Education and Skills that Primary teachers focus on English, Gaeilge, Maths, SPHE (Wellbeing) and PE.

Derval Dunford Breathing has been in attendance in all classrooms once weekly and will be for a further two weeks. Derval, an expert in her field, works with adults, children and teachers supporting mental health through mindfulness, Yoga Nidra and well-being practices. Here she is – delivering a pilot Breathing programme and the children and staff are really benefitting from it.

Our Parents Association had to cancel a few fundraisers this year due to restrictions relating to COVID. PA has been in touch already to see what we need to fundraise for currently. We need purchase new PE equipment.

Buildings and repairs- Gerry Hastings has most of the work completed, all apart from the main netting and some tarmac. It will be complete by end of September

We are in the planning stage of putting a running track around the pitch.Mark Malone will lift off the top sod this weekend and David Carney has donated gravel.

First Holy Communion for eight 3rd Class students took place in St. Patrick’s Church, Aughagower on Saturday 26thSeptember at 11.30a.m.

Confirmation for sixteen 5th and 6th Class will take place later this school year

Policies ratified

Child Safety Statement

Risk assessment (includes COVID)

Acceptable use of ICT updated to include distance learning.


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