Board of Management Meeting December 2021
Board of Management Meeting
Venue - Zoom (online)
In attendance – Marie Corbett, Ciaran Hynes, Marie O’Malley, Colm Forrestal, Kim Sheridan, Suzette Hughes and Triona O’Malley
Apologies – John Lally
The minutes of the last meeting were read and ratified.
We received guidance from the Department on the wearing of face masks for students from 3rd to 6th class.
We received a letter from the Department regarding additional LS hours. A sub is to be made available to us for 18 days for the year. There will be difficulty getting subs and the INTO will assist.
CMO letter – advice on antigen testing.
We received correspondence from the FSSU. It is good practice to have a policy document detailing use of credit cards and income and expenditure.
Principals Report
Child Protection
Nothing to report. The Department have updated the Safeguarding template and we will update our own accordingly.
There are 8 children enrolled for next year.
Attendance has been very good.
There have been no covid cases to date that we are aware of.
We are updating our Plean Scoile (Policies and Procedures)
Maria Carroll has visited to support our professional progress in Oral Language and will visit again after Christmas to offer support in Written Language.
We have a new NEPS psychologist allocated to us – Niamh Gavin.
We received a donation of 10 helmets from Westport GAA two years ago and are hoping to get more.
There will be no Christmas Show this year as per recommendations. Classes intend to record some performances and put up on Seesaw platform for families.
Emergency works at front gate David O’Malley is completing a tender report.
Rollout of vaccine is upcoming for 5-12 year olds.
Tony Hynes (South West Mayo Development) will undertake the painting the interior of the school.
A quote of €4,600 was received to resurface the school entrance. Wear and tear (pothole forming). David Skully Mayo Co. Co road engineer called out to assess rainwater run-off into yard and pitch and suggested applying for Clár funding.
Fire Alarm and Intruder alarm quotes received.
GP room – we need to start our application with the Department. If unsuccessful, look to apply for Sports Capital Funding.
We received Department funding for the purchase of HEPA filters for each room. They cost approximately €500. Marie Corbett will seek recommendations of an expert contact in the area of HEPA filters.
Policies Updated
Credit Card Policy
Code of behavior
Next Meeting
February 2022