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October Mid-Term 2018 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you all for making the start of the term so fruitful and successful. The current 2018 enrolment is 67 pupils. The new infants have settled in and are busy working and playing. Everyone is enjoying drumming with Anthony, music with Des and GAA with Padraig. Classes have been on nature walks and had a farm visit, attended sporting and musical events and generally hit the ground running this year. Keep it up! We have lots more to look forward to. Here are some events and dates for your calendar.

  1. On Wednesday, 24th October at 1.30p.m. we will have a drumming performance for all parents in the Junior Classroom. Children will showcase what they have learned with Anthony this term.

  2. HSE vision and hearing screening for Junior Infants takes place next Tuesday, 16th October.

  3. Maths Week takes place next week. We will be undertaking fun, interesting and challenging maths activities in all classrooms. We encourage you to try some at home.

  4. Road Safety - Evenings are continuing to draw in and road conditions are far from favourable. If you are walking please ensure you and your children wear hi visibility vests. All children who walk or cycle to school must wear same.

  5. The school will be used as a voting station on Friday 26th October. Children have no school that day.

  6. Westival Lantern Parade – The children in the middle classroom had a fabulous afternoon of creativity making lanterns with artist Tom Meskell. On Saturday 27th Westport Arts Festival ‘Westival’ will host a lantern parade through Westport town which will end at the Octagon where pyro-technic group Inferno will put on a display of their fire juggling skills. Children, parents and siblings from the middle classroom are reminded to join the parade on the 27th. It will be spectacular!

  7. Mid-term Break – Monday 29th October. Children return to school the following Monday -5th November.

  8. Swimming for classes 1st to 6th takes place next term on Thursdays for 6th weeks. To foster independence, we ask that parents teach their child to dress and dry him/herself (including hair) over mid-term break, if they don’t already know.

  9. Parent Teacher meetings take place on 21st and 22nd November. We will be in touch regarding this closer to the time.

  10. NCC Choir – the children in the senior classes are already preparing for their National Children’s Choir performance. More info to follow.

  11. Reminders: If you wish to meet a teacher for any reason, please make an appointment in advance. Patricia is available in the office from 9.15 – 11.30a.m. daily to arrange appointment times. Supervision on yard begins at 9.10a.m. daily. Children should not be in the yard before this time.

  12. If you are visiting for any reason or collecting a child early, please sign the visitor book at the door.

We wish you a safe and enjoyable Halloween break.



Triona O’Malley

Dept. Principal

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