Board on Management Report December 2019
Board of Management Agreed Report December 9th 2019
The first meeting of the new board of management took place.
Present were Marie Keating (Chairperson) Ciaran Hynes, Triona O’Malley, John Lally, Marie Heraty, Kim Sheridan and Colm Forrestal. Apologies – Suzette Hughes.
The minutes of the previous meeting–October 22nd were read. That was the final meeting of that board.
Election of officers:
Treasurer – John Lally
Health and Safety Officer – Triona O’Malley/Colm Forrestal
Principal’s Report
We have 64 pupils on roll. 32 boys and 32 girls. 17 in infant room. 22 middle room. 25 senior room. Projected incoming infant class- 10 in September 2020.
Changing School Start Time
Discussed changing the school start time to the earlier time of 8.50a.m. We will have a meeting together with PA in January to decide if a change is warranted.
Teachers are having an ICT support visit – Siobhan McAndrew- (digital technologies in the classroom) on 13th January. This will be during the school day.
GAA 5 Star Flag
We are applying for the GAA 5 Star Flag. This initiative aims to support and recognise Primary Schools that provide pupils with 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous Gaelic Games activity per week in a manner that ensures the children will experience fun, friendship, fairness and ultimately improve their fitness.
New electric heaters were purchased replacing old storage heaters. €3,500 spend.
Vaccinations- Junior Infants- January 13th
May 9th – Holy Communion.
We recently changed soft room into a library. Purchased new books for library- two parents
have been coming in to help out with cataloguing books. We hope to decorate library in the New Year.